Should Careers Require a College Degree?

Dan Smolen asks: should careers require a college degree?

As the graduating class of 2022 enters the workplace, many of its members will carry forward substantial student loan debt.

And the son of one friend of mine amassed $250,000 in debt to earn his Bachelor’s degree.

That is a nightmare scenario.

So how did we get to a nightmarish place where the college degree no longer ensures the American Dream?

Truth be told, we got here, because of the Vietnam War.

In this episode, Dan:

  • Recalls how American men got draft deferments when they earned bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.
  • Describes how a bachelor’s degree became a “must have” for everyone doing career professional work.
  • Laments how, in 2022, a college degree has been rendered a economic albatross.

In the future of work, should careers require a college degree? Time will tell if the answer to that question remains “yes.”

EPISODE DATE: May 27, 2022