Tag Archives: meaningful work

How Do I Build a Soul-Aligned Startup?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this question: How Do I Build a Soul-Aligned Startup?

Answering that question and others is our guest, Andrea Horvath.

Andrea helps badass, heart-centered conscious women create, and transition to, soul-aligned careers and business. 

Our lead question comes from Kellie.

Kellie is a recent cast-off from corporate life who, instead of pursuing another corporate management job which she easily could do, has opted to become a start-up entrepreneur.

She is bolstered by the fact so many women in the post-pandemic age have pivoted to start-up life. But she doesn’t want to live just on the thrill of starting and scaling any new business. Kellie wants to establish a brand that fulfills a noble purpose, a business that is soul-aligned. 

So, Kellie asks Andrea: How Do I Build a Soul-Aligned Startup?

During this information packed episode, we discover Andrea’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ Her personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Andrea Horvath is a corporate escapee, a certified public accountant who pivoted out of corporate life to find her work fit as an entrepreneur and career transition specialist. She lives and works in Vancouver, British Columbia.

This episode originated as a live show on April 17, 2024. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: April 26, 2024

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Are Things Really So Bad?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this question: Are Things Really So Bad?

Answering that question and others is our guest, Geoff Woliner.

Geoff is comedian by trade who turned his craft into a company called “Winning Wit” which provides speechwriting and corporate event leadership services.

He’s also the author of The Path to Perfecta and an executive producer and host of his own live show on LinkedIn. As Geoff describes his superpower: I turn contracted, painful energy into joyful, expansive energy.

Our question this week was posed by Annika, a senior member of her leadership team. She says that she entered the workforce years ago during a particularly bad recession.

Out of college, it took her several months to connect with her first job, and many years to pay off her student loans. Things were never easy, and yet she learned to persevere through every inflationary and recessionary cycle, coming through each crisis stronger and more resilient. 

Annika has on her team several late Millennial and Gen Z members who seem unsettled by the stresses in their work and daily lives. And she laments, some of them are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders.

She wants to help younger teammates reframe their experiences to succeed through the difficult challenges and circumstances that they will face in their careers. But first, Annika asks Geoff: Are Things Really So Bad?

During this information packed episode, we revisit Geoff’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ His personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Geoff Woliner is a comedian, author, live show executive producer and host, and a corporate event and leadership guru. He lives and works in Alexandria, Virginia.

This episode originated as a live show on March 20, 2024. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: March 29, 2024

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How Do I Financially Survive a Job Loss?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this question: How Do I Financially Survive a Job Loss?

Answering that question and others is our guest, Dave Czarnecki.

Dave is a Certified Financial Planner who helps career professionals and retirees make smart money decisions. 

Our question this week comes from Jamal, who is about three years into his professional career. He says that he has survived two rounds of recent layoffs in the fintech company where he works.

Jamal makes a good living, doesn’t spend lavishly on things he doesn’t need, but he worries that if he’s impacted by a future layoff that he won’t have enough cash on hand to carry him until he reconnects with a new job. 

So Jamal asks Dave: How Do I Financially Survive a Job Loss?

During this information packed episode, we discover Dave’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ His personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Dave Czarnecki is a Certified Financial Planner who helps career professionals and retirees make smart money decisions. He lives and works in Suburban Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

This episode originated as a live show on February 21, 2024. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: March 1, 2024

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Does More Workplace Flexibility Make Us Less Happy?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this question: Does More Workplace Flexibility Make Us Less Happy? 

Answering that question and others is our guest, Jessica Weiss

Jessica is a speaker, coach and consultant who teaches people and businesses how to find more happiness, fulfillment, and satisfaction at work.

Today’s lead question comes from viewer Brielle who works at a company with considerable workplace flexibility.

And yet, despite that, Brielle has noticed that her coworkers seem rattled; when she engages them in person or virtually, she says that they often express weariness throughout the day. Brielle reads countless studies that show that career professionals like having more flexibility in the day. But, on the other hand, she taken by other research studies indicating that worker contentment and engagement are at historic lows.

Brielle doesn’t want to jump to conclusions, but she asks: Does More Workplace Flexibility Make Us Less Happy?

During this information packed episode, we discover Jessica’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ Her personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Jessica Weiss is a speaker, coach and consultant who teaches people and businesses how to find more happiness, fulfillment, and satisfaction and work.  Jessica lives and works in New York City.

This episode originated as a live show on January 31, 2024. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: February 9, 2024

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How Does Workplace Impact the Employee Experience?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this question: How Does Workplace Impact the Employee Experience?

Answering that question and others is our guest, Marissa Huber

As Consulting Director for Workplace Strategy at Cushman & Wakefield, Marissa helps leaders figure out what to do with their people and spaces to make the workplace better. 

Joining in the questioning on the What’s Your Work Fit in the Workplace? Series are our co-hosts, Founder and Skipper of LiquidSpace Mark Gilbreath and popular future of work and workplace thought-leader on LinkedIn Francis Saele.

During this information packed episode, we discover Marissa’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ Her personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Marissa Huber is the Consulting Director for Strategy at Cushman & Wakefield. Marissa lives and works in South Florida. 

This episode originated as a live show on January 24, 2024. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: February 2, 2024

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How Will Workplace Evolve in 2024?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this question: How Will Workplace Evolve in 2024?

Answering that question and others is our guest, Kate Lister.

Kate is a globally recognized expert in the future of work and workplace. As President of Global Workplace Analytics, she helps hiring managers to develop, deploy, and measure the results of their remote and hybrid workplace strategies. 

Joining in the questioning on the What’s Your Work Fit in the Workplace? Series are our co-hosts, Founder and Skipper of LiquidSpace Mark Gilbreath and popular future of work and workplace thought-leader on LinkedIn Francis Saele.

We also discuss a viral video, the return-to-the-office missive by Internet Brands, that has many on social media scratching their heads in disbelief.

During this information packed episode, we discover Kate’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ Her personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Kate Lister is the President of Global Workplace Analytics; she helps hiring managers to develop, deploy, and measure the results of their remote and hybrid workplace strategies. Kate lives and works in Southern California. 

This episode originated as a live show on January 17, 2024. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: January 26, 2024

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Can Data Guide the Employee Experience?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this viewer question: Can Data Guide the Employee Experience?

Answering that question and others is our guest, Serena Huang, PhD.

Serena, a Globally Recognized Data Scientist and Worker Insight Expert, is the principal of Data With Serena.

This week’s lead question was posed by What’s Your Work Fit? viewer Caroline:

Caroline is an HR specialist at an engineering firm with about 400 employees. Intuition tells her that her company misses countless opportunities to gain insight from the people that work there. And often, when top talent do leave, their departures come as a surprise, especially to the CEO. 

There are lots of available data about the company’s employees but Caroline isn’t sure that they are useful or tell her much about the goals, aspirations, and happiness pursuits of the people that work for the firm. 

So, Caroline asks: How Can Data Guide the Employee Experience?

During this information packed episode, we discover Serena’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ Her personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Serena Huang, PhD is a global recognized data scientist and worker insight expert. She lives and works in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois.

This episode originated as a live show on November 14, 2023. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: November 24, 2023

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How Do I Present as a Human at Work?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this viewer question: How Do I Present as a Human at Work?

Answering that question and others is our guest, Shelley Goldstein.

Shelley is an internationally acclaimed public speaking coach who helps clients gain the confidence that they need to become effective and captivating communicators in the workplace and in life.

This week’s lead question was posed by What’s Your Work Fit? viewer Idris:

Idris is a knowledge worker in the Chicagoland area. Idris loved the cameraderie that he felt existed before the pandemic shut everything down.

In 2022, his company gave up their big headquarters office in the Chicago suburbs and adopted [a more] distributed workplace model which, Idris says, is [at best] a work-in-progress.

While he and his teammates do gather IRL, Idris feels as if his own humanness has taken a hit. During most of his day, he’s stuck in front of a screen for team meetings and client presentations. And he feels that he no longer relates well to others in work and in life.

Now Idris asks: how do I present as a human at work?

During this information packed episode, we revisit Shelley’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ Her personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Shelley Goldstein is an internationally acclaimed public speaking coach who helps clients gain the confidence that they need to become effective and captivating communicators in the workplace and in life. Shelley lives and works in Los Angeles, California.

This episode originated as a live show on October 18, 2023. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: October 27, 2023

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How Do I Engage a Career Mentor?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this viewer question: How Do I Engage a Career Mentor?

Our guest is Stefan Bradham.

Stefan is the VP of Marketing and Communications at the National Minority Supplier Development Council in Washington, D.C.

He is also the VP of Mentoring for the D.C. Chapter of the American Marketing Association; through his professional involvements, Stefan helps organizations and people to “find themselves” through strategic marketing and other capabilities.

This week’s lead question was posed by What’s Your Work Fit? viewer Claire:

Claire is new-to-the-workplace. And, she has a lot of ambition. Claire recognizes that she’d benefit by receiving the regular insight and advice of a career mentor, to help her shape her workplace experience. But she doesn’t know how to go about getting one.

So Claire asks: how do I engage a career mentor?

During this information packed episode, Stefan also answers “what’s your work fit?’ His personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Stefan Bradham is the VP of Marketing and Communications for the National Minority Supplier Development Council, a trade association. He lives and works in Washington, D.C.

This episode originated as a live show on July 19, 2023. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: July 28, 2023

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How Do I Promote People Who Don’t Look Like Me?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this viewer question: How Do I Promote People Who Don’t Look Like Me?

Our guest is Lauren Daley PhD.

Lauren is a globally recognized future of work expert, advocate for women in the workplace, public speaker, career coach, and educator.

This week’s lead question was posed by What’s Your Work Fit? viewer Devin:

Devin is a senior manager and “top B school” MBA; he leads a team of 20 VP-level managers. Throughout his career, Devin followed the edicts of the C-suite to hire and promote career professionals with similar pedigrees and philosophies about work and workplace.

And for many years, that strategy seemed to work.

But Devin laments that promoting people who looked like him rendered a culture that blots out diverse points of view. What is more, because of rigid return-to-office (RTO) policies, Devin adds that his company hasn’t retained top people.

He asks: how do I promote people who DON’T look like me?

During this information packed episode, Lauren also answers “what’s your work fit?’ Her personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Lauren Daley PhD is on the leading edge of the future of work. She is also an advocate for women in the workplace, public speaker, career coach, and educator. She lives and works in Gainesville, Florida.

This episode originated as a live show on July 12, 2023. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: July 21, 2023

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