Tag Archives: future of work

How Will Workplace Evolve in 2024?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this question: How Will Workplace Evolve in 2024?

Answering that question and others is our guest, Kate Lister.

Kate is a globally recognized expert in the future of work and workplace. As President of Global Workplace Analytics, she helps hiring managers to develop, deploy, and measure the results of their remote and hybrid workplace strategies. 

Joining in the questioning on the What’s Your Work Fit in the Workplace? Series are our co-hosts, Founder and Skipper of LiquidSpace Mark Gilbreath and popular future of work and workplace thought-leader on LinkedIn Francis Saele.

We also discuss a viral video, the return-to-the-office missive by Internet Brands, that has many on social media scratching their heads in disbelief.

During this information packed episode, we discover Kate’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ Her personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Kate Lister is the President of Global Workplace Analytics; she helps hiring managers to develop, deploy, and measure the results of their remote and hybrid workplace strategies. Kate lives and works in Southern California. 

This episode originated as a live show on January 17, 2024. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: January 26, 2024

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Why Do We Feel So Stuck at Work?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this viewer question: Why Do We Feel So Stuck at Work?

Answering that question and others is our guest, Denise Brouder

Denise is the Founder of SWAY and a globally recognized flexible work skills expert

This week’s lead question was posed by What’s Your Work Fit? viewer Erik:

Erik is Product Support Manager at a NYC-area based health tech firm. For the past couple of years he has exceeded management’s expectations. Erik says it was easy to succeed and to be recognized favorably. He adds: the part of the day that included work felt like fun. 

But in the Fall of 2023 Erik lost his mojo. Something felt different and not in a good way. 

Further, he began to question the purpose of the work that he does, wondering: is my role fulfilling beyond the paycheck? 

Erik is stuck. And he knows, from conversations he’s had, that he is not the only one out there feeling this way. 

So, Erik asks: Why Do We Feel So Stuck at Work?

During this information packed episode, we revisit Denise’s October 2022 answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ Her personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Denise Brouder is Founder of SWAY and a globally recognized leader in flexible work skills. She lives and works in the New York City suburbs of New Jersey.

This episode originated as a live show on January 3, 2024. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: January 12, 2024

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Can Data Guide the Employee Experience?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this viewer question: Can Data Guide the Employee Experience?

Answering that question and others is our guest, Serena Huang, PhD.

Serena, a Globally Recognized Data Scientist and Worker Insight Expert, is the principal of Data With Serena.

This week’s lead question was posed by What’s Your Work Fit? viewer Caroline:

Caroline is an HR specialist at an engineering firm with about 400 employees. Intuition tells her that her company misses countless opportunities to gain insight from the people that work there. And often, when top talent do leave, their departures come as a surprise, especially to the CEO. 

There are lots of available data about the company’s employees but Caroline isn’t sure that they are useful or tell her much about the goals, aspirations, and happiness pursuits of the people that work for the firm. 

So, Caroline asks: How Can Data Guide the Employee Experience?

During this information packed episode, we discover Serena’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ Her personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Serena Huang, PhD is a global recognized data scientist and worker insight expert. She lives and works in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois.

This episode originated as a live show on November 14, 2023. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: November 24, 2023

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How Will I Survive Getting Fired?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this viewer question: How Will I Survive Getting Fired?

Answering that question and others is our guest, Christian Stein.

Christian is a global ad agency guy turned brand transformer and therapist at his company, Stone Owl Consulting.

This week’s lead question was posed by What’s Your Work Fit? viewer Ryan:

At the beginning of Fourth Quarter 2023, Ryan was let go from his senior marketing manager job at a large regional home repair services company. He’d worked hard to advance his career and he seemed to be on track for a big promotion before the end of the 2023 fiscal year.

But now as a corporate cast-off he has no idea of what to do next and his self-confidence has taken a big hit. What is more, Ryan is feeling pressure to reconnect with a job (any job) because his cash-reserves likely won’t last more than six months.

Now Ryan asks: how will I survive getting fired?

During this information packed episode, we discover Christian’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ His personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Christian Stein is a global ad agency guy turned brand transformer and therapist. He lives and works in Southern Connecticut.

This episode originated as a live show on November 8, 2023. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: November 17, 2023

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What are the New Economics of Workplace?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this viewer question: What are the New Economics of Workplace?

Answering that question and others is our guest Stanford University Professor of Economics Nick Bloom.

In his teaching and research Nick captures the ever-evolving nature of workplace and describes knowledge workers’ growing embrace of remote and hybrid venues.

This week’s lead question was posed by Dan and our Co-Hosts for the What’s Your Work Fit in the Workplace? Series Mark Gilbreath and Francis Saele.

During this information packed episode, we also discover Nick’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ His personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Nick Bloom is a Professor of Economics at Stanford University. He’s authored countless studies and opinion pieces relating to the economics of workplace. Nick lives and works in Stanford, California.

This episode originated as a live show on November 1, 2023. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: November 10, 2023

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Why are We Gathering for Work, Anyway?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this viewer question: Why are We Gathering for Work, Anyway?

Answering that question and others is our guest, Terry Wiener.

Terry is a Workplace and Team-Effectiveness Thought Leader and Dropbox’s Former Head of Virtual First.

This week’s lead question was posed by Dan and our Co-Hosts for the What’s Your Work Fit in the Workplace? Series Mark Gilbreath and Francis Saele.

During this information packed episode, we discover Terry’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ Her personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Terry Wiener is a Workplace and Team-Effectiveness Thought Leader and Dropbox’s Former Head of Virtual First. She is also a key advisor to Liquidspace. Terry lives and works in Portland, Oregon.

This episode originated as a live show on October 25, 2023. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: November 3, 2023

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How Do I Present as a Human at Work?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this viewer question: How Do I Present as a Human at Work?

Answering that question and others is our guest, Shelley Goldstein.

Shelley is an internationally acclaimed public speaking coach who helps clients gain the confidence that they need to become effective and captivating communicators in the workplace and in life.

This week’s lead question was posed by What’s Your Work Fit? viewer Idris:

Idris is a knowledge worker in the Chicagoland area. Idris loved the cameraderie that he felt existed before the pandemic shut everything down.

In 2022, his company gave up their big headquarters office in the Chicago suburbs and adopted [a more] distributed workplace model which, Idris says, is [at best] a work-in-progress.

While he and his teammates do gather IRL, Idris feels as if his own humanness has taken a hit. During most of his day, he’s stuck in front of a screen for team meetings and client presentations. And he feels that he no longer relates well to others in work and in life.

Now Idris asks: how do I present as a human at work?

During this information packed episode, we revisit Shelley’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ Her personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Shelley Goldstein is an internationally acclaimed public speaking coach who helps clients gain the confidence that they need to become effective and captivating communicators in the workplace and in life. Shelley lives and works in Los Angeles, California.

This episode originated as a live show on October 18, 2023. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: October 27, 2023

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When Should I Take a Pause at Work?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this viewer question: When Should I Take a Pause at Work?

Answering that question and others is our guest, Briar Dougherty.

Briar is the CEO and Founder of Career Organic, an online resource for ambitious career professionals.

This week’s lead question was posed by What’s Your Work Fit? viewer Riley:

Riley is a knowledge worker at a tech company. She loves the everyday-a-new-challenge-to-overcome vibe of her workplace. Riley’s hyper focused on her deliverables, tries her best to be a good team member, and her higher-ups just increased her salary.

Good on you, Riley!

But here’s the rub. Riley is so passionate about her work that she says she forgets to step away from it. Milestones in her personal life slipped. She didn’t take a summer vacation this year like she hoped because of FOMO (or fear of missing out).

It wasn’t until one of her parents called her on her workaholic tendencies that she realized she’d never questioned her lack of an off switch. So, for her, it is no longer IF she should take a pause at work.

Now Riley asks: WHEN should I take a pause at work?

During this information packed episode, we revisit Briar’s answer to the question “what’s your work fit?’ Her personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Briar Dougherty and her team at Career Organic write résumés, craft LinkedIn profiles, and coach career professionals for interviews and job transitions.  She lives and works in a mountainside community near Atlanta, Georgia.

This episode originated as a live show on September 13, 2023. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: September 22, 2023

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What is “Return to Office” Really About?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this viewer question: What is “Return to Office” Really About?

We are joined by our new What’s Your Work Fit in the Workplace? series co-hosts Mark Gilbreath and Fran Saele.

For ten years, Mark has stubbornly held onto the conviction that the commercial real estate industry’s grip on how and where we work needs a complete reset.

As Founder and CEO of LiquidSpace, Mark is helping some of the coolest companies and their employees around the world to “work from where it works, for you, your team, the planet.”

And Fran is a globally recognized workplace and commercial real estate solutions expert and a frequent commentator on LinkedIn in the area of future of work and workplace.

His professional passion includes the dynamic new ways of work and the transformation of the workplaces to support it.

This week’s lead question was posed by What’s Your Work Fit? viewer Marsha:

Marsha is a not typical consumer of mainstream media for she thinks that one topic in particular, the return to the office, has become unnecessarily polarized—with a tilt towards “return to the office or else” warnings.

And she doesn’t think that the TV discussions are all that helpful, because many guests booked on cable TV morning shows often glorify the pre-pandemic workplace experience.

So, Marsha asks: what is “return to the office” really about?

During this information packed episode, Mark also answers “what’s your work fit?’ His personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our What’s Your Work Fit in the Workplace? co-costs:

Mark Gilbreath is the founder, CEO and skipper of Liquidspace which powers clients’ hybrid workplaces with its global marketplace of on-demand office space and its workplace management platform. He lives and works in Ketchum, Idaho.

Fran Saele is a veteran of the commercial real estate space who held senior executive positions with Accenture, CBRE, and Newmark. On LinkedIn, He publishes some of the-most compelling thought-leadership on future of work and workplace. Fran first appeared on What’s Your Work Fit? in April 2023. He lives and works in Cincinnati, Ohio.

This episode originated as a live show on September 6, 2023. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: September 15, 2023

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How Can I Avoid Being a People Pleaser?

On What’s Your Work Fit we pose this viewer question: How Can I Avoid Being a People Pleaser?

Our guest is Jahmaal Marshall.

Jahmaal is a certified counselor, public speaker, podcast host and mentor who addresses burnout, codependency, and people pleasing. 

This week’s lead question was posed by What’s Your Work Fit? viewer Bennett:

Bennett graduated from college in May and landed his first job soon after. He’s working on a client service team at a co-located office located in a major city.

By all accounts, Bennett is doing well on the job. And his boss seems to enjoy working with him. But Bennett almost always takes on more tasks and responsibilities than he needs to, because it seems to please his boss. And it does. The boss wrote in his first review of Bennett: he has a lot of grit!

But Bennett’s behavior doesn’t make his team mates happy.

That cold splash of water to the face happened recently when one of Bennett’s co-workers called him out for taking care of others—most notably their boss—and not himself. And it’s true: Bennett seems to be working crazy long hours, not taking care of himself, and he is starting to dread the job and is thinking of finding a new one.  

So, Bennett asks: how can I avoid being a people pleaser?

During this information packed episode, Jahmaal also answers “what’s your work fit?’ His personal vision surely will resonate with many career professionals.

About our guest:

Jahmaal Marshall is the founder of the Listen Then Speak, LLC consultancy and the executive producer and host of the Listen Then Speak Podcast.

This episode originated as a live show on August 16, 2023. You can watch the show in its entirety on the What’s Your Work Fit YouTube Channel.

EPISODE DATE: August 25, 2023

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